If you are growing your pencil cactus indoors, consider positioning it on a south or west-facing window where it can absorb the maximum amount of sunlight. They thrive when exposed to at least six hours of direct sunlight. Generally, pencil cactus prefers to grow under relatively high levels of sunlight. How Much Light Do Pencil Cacti Need to Survive? This blog post discusses everything you need to know about pencil cacti and exposure to sunlight to help you cultivate healthy and happy plants. A sunburned pencil cactus will turn yellow, and it may be difficult to restore its original color without pruning. When the sun is too hot, you should provide your plant with a partial shade to avoid sunburns. However, it doesn’t mean that pencil cactus can survive any amount of sunlight. This succulent prefers an area that gets about six hours of direct summer light per day.
So, does pencil cactus need full sun? Yes, pencil cactus does need full sun to be happy.

Apart from watering, the most important aspect of pencil cactus care is light. In addition, these plants should be kept in temperatures between 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the wintertime to 80 degrees during the summer months (or 20-30 degrees Celsius). For one thing, pencil cacti can grow up to 3 feet tall when given enough room and require at least six hours a day of sun exposure. Pencil cacti are among the most popular succulents for indoor gardening, but they have some special needs that make them different from other common houseplants.